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Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Lighter Linux distributions for vulnerable computers

Lighter Linux distributions for vulnerable computers
The diversity of distributions in the world of Unix from the power of this system so that it responds to all tastes and needs. Mention specifications strong that characterize these distributions many, setting aside technological advances, especially in computers, which become powerful by the day, Linux never forgets the owners of devices with capacities the weak are barely able to support the operating system Kuindwz 7 or 8. Yes, if you have a laptop, netbook, or even a desktop computer with a weak specifications. Do not despair, my friend, these distributions, which I will mention in this post today will be an appropriate solution for you.

Puppy Linux 

This distribution is one of the lightest distributions, has always been a reference for older computers, they do not Ttjoaz 100 MB, and you can install them in the CD-ROM or even a flash file. It also does not consume computer resources, especially RAM.
In addition to this distribution comes much of the programs and tools pre-installed including: word processors, Internet browsers, games and photo editing software and other tools.

Manjaro Linux 

 Distribution is very light relatively recent based on Arch Linux are easy to use. Distribution is used as the OpenBox window manager, and XFCE desktop environment.
This distribution is still at issue is not stable, it is still receiving updates, but high performance and consume very few resources.

 Is mild-flavored Ubuntu distro famous, come desktop environment lxde. Come as a selection of pre-installed software. This and being lightweight and fast, they get support from the Ubuntu community. This distribution is very suitable for the owners of netbook.


Distribution is very strong and safe, based on Debian 6.0 "Squiaz", offers you the experience of using beautiful, they are using the window manager Openbox. Mild to the point from which you can bring life to your computers old (family Albaentinom ancient and others)., But I would not advise beginners to be adopted by the codes and much more than text graphics.

Tiny Core 
Distribution size of 15 MB only there are 3 copies are Core (9 MB) and Tine Core (15 MB) and Core Plus space (72 MB), you can install them on disk or work on them without the inauguration as well. Containing graphical interface fully customizable. It's also fast, flexible, and provides the tools needed to work on your computer. I see it as a quick solution in case of emergencies.

 Finally, you can try elementary OS. Best of all these distributions, especially in terms of aesthetic and working on web applications, as they are light and do not consume a lot of system resources.


Monday 13 January 2014

How to earn $ 10 a day

How to earn $ 10 a day

Today I'll tell you a great location and a serious profit from the internet site famous probux.

You must first register on the site and, this is the link.

When you register you'll see a page like the picture below.

 After that then clicking on the VIEW ADS also shows the image underneath.
 You should then click on all Acharrat, and so on a daily basis so that your account becomes active.

 good luck

by laafoura 

Sunday 12 January 2014

How suitable operating system and Windows viruses ravaged very simply

How suitable operating system and Windows viruses ravaged very simply

Even after deleting the virus from a computer, it may leave traces of its destruction on Windows, either that some applications for Achgl, arrest editor Alrgestra from work, stop work management tasks ... Etc. of symptoms that often Tdtrk to Faramth computer, in order to put an end to the problem.
 Although the process of recovering the computer to normal without Faramth may require experience in the administration to the Windows operating system, in this post I will refer you to the tool Re-Enable the last that will help you
  Inevitably to retrieve the operating system to work again after deleting the virus. Tool Re-Enable able to fix the following problems after deleting the virus:

Windows Registry
Command Line Tool
Windows Task Manager
System Restore Config
Folder Options
Run command
My Computer
Task Scheduler
Right Click Context menu
Ms-Config (Windows operating system only Earn)
Control Panel

 All you need now after loading the tool of choice for repair of damaged features of Windows was on loan Re-Enable Thus Ststia retrieval system as it was in the past after deleting viruses in just a few simple clicks without having to go Dhiraah about the Windows operating system, Valadah will take over the rest.
To indicate the tool proven to Earn Windows and Windows 7 as well as Windows ڤista.

  Download Re-Enable

by laafoura

Saturday 11 January 2014

All grafts security gaps in the Windows system with the click of a button with the tool Hotfix Downloader

All grafts security gaps in the Windows system with the click of a button with the tool Hotfix Downloader

If you can not update the operating system on your computer for some reason, Vanmaant exhibition of penetration at any Hzhan by the so-called infiltration developed a hack at which the striker loopholes programs as well as Windows, the last that if you do not update it regularly, you inevitably going to be an easy victim of the hands of hackers for this, the company and the windows from time to time you subtract several Thdatat security for tinkering gaps copy of Windows you use, but for some technical reasons had to Ataatousel this Althdatat and this may become your system fair to the many risks you can fight it in a very easy through the tool Hotfix Downloader.
 Program Hotfix Downloader is easy to use and you can of tinkering all gaps Windows by downloading Althdatat new security company Microsft and Taatbethha on your computer, so you will not miss the opportunity for any attacker to exploit a loophole in the system, the way the program works is very simple and Atstdei Taatbethh on the computer, only after loading and running the program choose through the list Please Select update a copy of Windows in which they operate (Windows 7 and Windows 8 ..) as well as the version (Windows version of X86, which means a 32-bit or X64 means 64-bit), you can find out which version copy of Windows through the program securable.
After so many Stdahr Althdatat name and amplitude as well as the date of issuance of patching security you can choose all or some of them through education on the small white box in front of each update has been downloaded and Taatbethha on the computer by clicking on the button Download. It is also at any time you can click on the Pause in the main menu in order to put to rest the download process and complete the download at any time. You can delete any download updated by clicking on Remove.

To indicate the program you can also download Althdatat security program ÇáÇćÝíÓ 2010 and 2013 Basaddarah 32-bit and 64-bit . Hotfix Downloader program is compatible and works with all versions of Windows 7 as well as Windows 8 as well as Windows Vista and Windows XP.
Download : Hotfix Downloader


Poper Blocker: Say goodbye to the pop-ups and annoying ads

Poper Blocker: Say goodbye to the pop-ups and annoying ads

What is almost open the download page in one of the sites or other Arab and assails you, but a torrent of those windows Almneptqh hated by everyone, which makes us sometimes permanently close the browser and leave our way to the event.
There are those of us using Adblock, Add It also is blocking the windows, but not that rigor and effectiveness, by virtue of my experience some of the pop-ups still appear in some locations. Atikm But today the addition of a beautiful but she specializes in this kind of "war".
This extension is Poper Blocker.

  Once installed, will block all pop-ups automatically. They also are telling you about these windows via alerts the top left of the screen, so you know whether you would like to view the content banned or not, and so by clicking on the alert that appears when you are blocking those pop-ups .
 You can through the settings for these added to remove sites that would like to be banned from whitelisted (Whitelisted).
 On the whole this added work excellently with Adblock will not find problems in this respect, it remains complementary to Adblock.

To download Poper Blocker from here

by laafoura 

How to design a very professional banners advertising free HTML5 technology

How to design a very professional banners advertising free HTML5 technology

Declaration of professional industry is not easy, and requires any company or contractor to buy the services of some designers and the price could reach the completion of the Declaration of simple technology HTML5 sometimes thousands of dollars.
What if I told you your reading this post you will be able to produce professional announcement at the best technique for making all this free advertising with the Code of Professional.

 Design Studio HTML5 is the Web service directly to a new company Flite, is a competitor to the program Google web design and who dealt with him in a previous article , but what distinguishes the Design Studio HTML5 is that it is dedicated to designing advertising professional compatible with various devices ( phones , electronic boards , computers . .. ) depending on HTML5 technology , a smooth and reliable technique currently in the advertising industry , and with the dwindling use of Flash technology in the advertising industry on the Web , which had a negative impact on the major companies in this industry Adware technical Kaduba , and when we talk about the flash ads are definitely not compatible with smart phones and electronic boards because of their side effects on these devices ...Service does not require you to have any coding or the like , just log in to the service and then watched the video which will show you after registration service and proceed to design your ad with ease and that by the tools provided by ( included addresses URL, embed content from the major sites Kvaspock , YouTube , Twitter , include summaries Rss) which makes the ad professionally and is compatible with various devices , and you can engage in one of the available templates , the site also supports formats programs Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.After the completion of your design , you can preview it to see how it will look in smart phones and electronic boards , and you can at any time a service and the amendment to the ads without the need for re- coding your site and it automatically .

by laafoura 

Microsoft stopped Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows XP users

Microsoft stopped Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows XP users

Microsoft on the way to abandon the operating system Windows XP Toukik decided to download and access to antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials for this system in a move that will force Almstakhtdmin to move toward more modern Windows systems .
Resolution Windows arrest technical support and security for Windows XP was due to the overwhelming response from users who were still consider it their first , so Conducting the arrest of access to the Microsoft Security Essentials will force many people to think about changing their system , whether it comes with Windows 7 or Windows 8 .
Microsoft announced a cross- site technical support its own program to download anti-virus software Microsoft Security Essentials will not be possible after the date of April 8, 2014 , and that Windows XP users will not be able to reach security updates through the mechanism of Windows Update.
If it seems that Microsoft is determined to force all Windows XP users to go to the newer Windows systems at any price .

by laafoura  

Friday 27 December 2013

Best , amazing and the best Android application made ​​Moroccans

Best , amazing and the best Android application made ​​Moroccans


Wednesday 25 December 2013

How do you answer your friends automatically on Facebook and Twitter in the case of absence

How do you answer your friends automatically on Facebook and Twitter in the case of absence.
Are often busy working on something specific and not on those time to reply to your friends in the social networks Facebook and Twitter, and this may sometimes cause problems with your friends because they may consider it to ignore you, so and in this post you'll learn about a beautiful way to answer your friends automatically.

relaxed is answering gorgeous, you can shorten the time instead of being written for each friend you talk to him you're busy, automated Val.b do it on your behalf, where it can automatically reply to your messages while you are away, even when you register any out of Facebook or Twitter.

The first to enter the service, and then link up your FACEBOOK or TWITTER also notes in the picture, and you can let your friends know that you are busy across your wall, or you can allow him to directly answer the automatic messages that you receive.

You allow the application to work on Facebook.
 Then you type automatic reply message, and choose the date or the time period in which you want to respond to your messages, then press the activate.
 When you register and out, any friend sends you a message on Facebook, the IVR shall respond to it the message that you've chosen, and you can track the number of automatic replies as the picture shows.
Cancel voice-mail all you had to do is press the pressure turn off.


Monday 23 December 2013

jailbreak Evasi0n7 finally available for Apple devices to iOS 7 system

jailbreak Evasi0n7 finally available for Apple devices to iOS 7 system

 After he was the belief that the tool to break the lock (jailbreak) -based iOS 7 will not only reach at the beginning of next year, 2014, the team has launched Evad3rs break the lock on your internet smartphone operating system, iOS 7 , and became available to all.New tool proposed by the team Evad3rs available on systems (Windows, Mac OS X and Lennox ) and on all devices iPhone , IPad and operating systems that use the iOS 7 from iOS 7.0 version and even copy iOS 7.0.4.Advised by specialists carry out break the lock (jailbreak) to do first make a backup copy of the data on the device , as advised to disable the password lock screen of the device .The team Evad3rs recommends all users of the tool to break the lock not to undertake any operations on the operating system or iTunes during the process of breaking the lock , and re-launch the program in the event of an interruption EvasiOn7 process as well as the device is restarted.It is noteworthy that this process is considered Qanueh in the United States , except that ( Apple ) considers the obligations of the abolition of the guarantee .To download the jailbreak break the lock code of professional suggests you log on the following link :


Get stronger examination of your computer against malicious software from 68 companies through protection.

Get stronger examination of your computer against malicious software from 68 companies through protection.
There is no doubt that most of you use a protection programs ranging from those with efficiency weak access to the most powerful in terms of all aspects of course, that meant maintaining the integrity of the system from any danger it, but what further exacerbated by the proliferation of malware is very terrible and that Pftk not cause your system may even lead to catastrophic problems , which are no longer the largest security companies are able to cover all the new threats, not to mention the evolution and diversity of methods where the hackers are encrypted malware protection programs against some well-known and therefore not be able to identify the latter program LDL , in addition to zero-day attacks , permission Fjhazak vulnerable to any types of risks such as viruses , worms, trojans , and rootkits, and dialers, and spyware attacks and other ..
 Do not worry there are some solutions , as we know the best way to check something is through cloud services that can examine a single file of all the drivers reliable protection , and it may have confirmed that the file is free of any malicious program , but what does this have to our subject we are talking about a thorough examination of the system as a whole ?A recent program herdProtect which became very popular a few days after it was launched , a program that gives you the most powerful examination of your system , how so ?As I mentioned earlier that the best way to check a specific file is by examination of all the drivers protection and becomes uncertain safety of the file, this is exactly what he is doing herdProtect but examines the whole system and not a file or two and , depending on the more than 68 software protection , then this is the strongest and best No way you can talk with your examination .
Unlike all the protection programs in herdProtect program is small in size (1.84MB) you can download it easily.
In addition to ease of use is enough pressure after it is installed on the scan button and the scan speed is very large.
Upon completion of the screening device and that should surprise you score, you can delete the malware manually place and knowing that by pressing the view to see the details and click on the details, as you can recognize the struggles that have been able to detect malicious software.

And for reference only The things that appear in the box Inconclusive Detections are dubious and may only be false alerts of a protection programs, so if you are sure of their safety, do not delete them.


How can that be spying on you at 20 euros only with Apple

How can that be spying on you at 20 euros only with Apple

You can you live with me not from James Bond movies in this topic episode , especially when talking about spyware , it can be only 20 euros that spying on you anyone , anywhere via a spy small ( Believe me, that I told you he settings lacking the official name ), the latter which makes spying on an interview with a person or several people from anywhere in the world , yes , where you can put this device in an office in Australia and returns you to America to be able to spy on all what is happening and going on in that room , a powerful and at the same time the price is cheap , equivalent to 27.31 U.S. dollars , all you had to do is to enter a phone card in the device is related to the number that carries the card in order to initiate the device to accept the call and made ​​you listen to everything that is going on in that room , not only this device is intended to be polarized sounds distant , since it has 2 microphone makes it easy to listen good in the case of a device is far from the target location , so the machine can be programmed so that the in the case if they had heard someone talking in the room to contact you to tell you that there are people talking in the room all you had to do to play in the Dell case is to accept the connection has been hearing the talk .

 by laafoura

Saturday 21 December 2013

Be the first experimenter new browser from Firefox interface Metro

Be the first experimenter new browser from Firefox interface Metro

When it comes with desktops or laptops, there are three major browsers that Tstahud a majority share of the market: Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox. Of these three, there was issued according to the Windows 8 modern Maekerosvet. Firefox but has not issued any official copy dedicated to this new system, at least until now.

 But you will remain idle? Not sure, so the issuance of a preliminary version of the new browser, under my name Nightly. Fashion designer metro in the Windows version 8.

 If you want to try this browser, you can download it from here. But we must take into account, it is not the full version. You may find a bug or error when browsing. Although it may be annoying, but for the sake of the experiment there is nothing wrong.

Enable "metro" can follow the steps described by the official website of Firefox! From here